Consulting Services
Ergometrics has been providing professional consulting services for over 30 years and is recognized by our clients and industry peers for implementing best practices in testing processes. Ergometrics’ goal for every project is to provide our clients with job–related testing processes, designed to be highly defensible, reliable and valid. Our experienced team of consultants ensures Ergometrics processes are of the highest quality and that exceptional customer service is provided throughout the extent of the relationship.
Ergometrics’ consultants are a dedicated group of professionals with a broad range of experience and expertise that can be used to help departments develop a testing process that best suits specific needs and testing parameters necessary to employ and promote the best suited applicants in the industry. Our consulting department staff consists of industrial/organizational psychologists, as well as subject matter experts, to ensure that our clients’ processes are both technically sound and job-related.
By partnering with Ergometrics’ consultants, departments incorporate the following values into their testing processes:
- A Fully Linked Process from Job Analysis to Exam Scoring
- Utilization of Technology, Including Video, to Increase the Perception of Fairness and Acceptance by Candidates
- Validated and Proven Testing Materials
- Internal Media Production Specialists
- Processes Designed to Provide Candidates Important Feedback Regarding their Performance
- Extensive Research that Helps Identify Candidates Suited for Supervisory Roles
Following are the primary services provided by Ergometrics’ consulting department:
Job Analysis
Ergometrics has designed and implemented job analyses for over a 100 different occupation groups. These systems have been used for a variety of purposes including test validation, job evaluation, compensation and management development.
Our job analyses are conducted in accordance with national and local standards and, specifically, the Uniform Guidelines and the Principles for Validation. Additionally, our job analyses include review of existing job analysis and related documentation, job analyses from similar size organizations and Ergometrics’ job analysis database to ensure comprehensive coverage of tasks and knowledge, skills and abilities.
Custom Entry-Level Exams
While many of our clients utilize our video-based exams for entry-level testing, we can also develop custom entry-level exams to meet specific client needs. This can range from custom multiple-choice questions to custom video-based items.
Custom Written Book Referenced Exams
Book referenced exams are a common component of promotional examinations. Ergometrics has developed over 100 book referenced exams, as well as more than 2000 multiple-choice questions throughout the years. Thus, we have the skill and experience to complete projects of these types quickly and effectively.
Job Simulation Assessment Centers
Ergometrics can develop performance-based assessment centers for any promotional rank. We recognize that the promotional process takes place in a highly unique department environment in which past departmental practices and expectations and minimization of appeals is a necessary part of designing an effective process. We ensure that all exercises are developed and validated in accordance with Federal Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures. Additionally, we work to ensure that the components of the assessment centers directly measure job-related KSAs and are valid predictors of successful job performance.
Ergometrics has developed and administered a variety of orientations and trainings for public safety agencies over the years. Some of our trainings and orientations include:
- Fire Tactical Trainings
- Candidate Exam Orientations
- Rater Trainings
- Performance Evaluation Trainings
Physical Abilities Testing
Ergometrics has pioneered research and development of methods and measurement techniques to implement job-related physical performance screening. Our systems have been adopted and used nationally by police and fire clients.
Other services offered by our consulting department:
- Validation Studies
- Performance Evaluation Systems
- Selection Process Review
- Data Analysis
- Organizational Surveys
- Fairness/Bias Studies
- Expert Testimony
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